What Are You Seeking
“We need to be willing to replace our agendas with God’s agenda, put God’s will above our wills, and replace our priorities with God’s priorities.”
— Richard Stearns in Unfinished
“The next day again John was standing with two of his disciples, and he looked at Jesus as he walked by and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus. Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, “What are you seeking?” And they said to him, “Rabbi” (which means Teacher), “where are you staying?””
John 1:35-38 ESV
Lately, I have been studying the gospels, looking at their applications in regards to concepts of community, discipleship, and Jesus' understanding and use of power. I took several months to go through the book of Mark and now have begun the gospel of John.
In this early scene from John's gospel (John 1:35-38 above), we have the well known prophet, John the Baptist revealing to his own disciples, and previously, to the scribes, priests, and pharisees, that Jesus is the "Lamb of God". This term was not a widely known term but was a metaphor reminiscent of the Paschal lamb and the suffering servant (Is 53). When John told the powers to be that one who is coming is not only greater than he but also was "before him" (1:15), most people did not envision a leader who would come and die, but the long awaited political leader who will restore the political power of Israel. A leader who would liberate Israel from Roman domination like so many had tried before Jesus.
John combines several traditions by putting the Lamb of God together with "God's Chosen One" (verse 34). This term is used to describe the Messiah (Hebrew) or the Christ (Greek). This was literally redefining the Messiah to include the sacrificial covering of sin and salvation.
So, when John the Baptist's disciples decide to follow Jesus, it is no surprise or disappointment to John as John identifies his purpose as to "testify" of God's chosen one. (verse 34) Two of his followers, immediately turn to follow Jesus upon John identifying him as the Lamb of God.
The interaction between the new disciples and Jesus is intriguing. A couple of observations:
1. Jesus acknowledges the disciples decision to follow. Jesus is the representation of God, the father. (Heb 1:3) Throughout God's interaction with his people, there is a significant vigilence on His behalf, looking for devout followers so that he may strengthen them. "“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him."(2 Chronicles 16:9). This is of significance that the God of the universe is not a remote and distant deity, but desires a personal relatonship with those who follow him. "“The relationship between us and God is not one of abstract, high-flown principles and ideas. It is a relationship between a God who loves and a people who are loved enough to be told how, when, and where to return that love.” (William Willimon & Stanley Hauerwas in The Truth About God)
2. Jesus asks the disciples the purpose of their following, Jesus asks the new disciples, "What are you seeking?" In other words, "What is your purpose of following me?". Jesus is not being rude but seeking to understand the motivation of the disciples. This has to do with their understanding of who Jesus is. Are they seeking self-improvement, material prosperity, deeper understanding of religious truths, or an opportunity to get back at the Roman authorities? Jesus will teach his disciples to seek first the Kingdom of God above everything else. (Mt 6:33) but its unclear what they were actually seeking as they literally had a very vague understanding of who Jesus was. Although they would easily acknowledge that Jesus was the Messiah (verse 41), the understanding of what the title means, would not come clearly until Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.
These observations have significant implications for present day followers of Jesus. If you make a decision to follow Jesus, Jesus acknowledges that and is committed to strengthening you so you can follow. We now know that this is done through the gift of the Holy Spirit that is promised to every follower (Eph 1:13). Jesus died to get rid of your guilt and shame but lives so you can be free and whole.
Secondly, Jesus is interested in the "why" of your following and not just the "what". Why do you follow Jesus? Is it to fulfill his mission or is it a duty placed upon you as a "get out of Hell" card when die. Is it centered on yourself or focused on God? These are the questions that Jesus asks all of his followers.
Its my prayer that you are encouraged in your walk with Jesus by understanding that he has turned to you and seeking ways inwhich to strengthen you. Its also my prayer that you would allow God to purify your hearts to seek his Kingdom and its righteousness, understanding that everything else that you need will be added to you.
God bless you