Learning at the YMCA

Learning at the YMCA

This past week, the Traylor family joined the local YMCA in Penfield, NY. It happens to be one of the nicest looking YMCA's that I have ever seen. We began our "return to fitness" program yesterday, and God took the opportunity to teach me a few things that have been ruminating in my mind.

1. Perseverance in a discipline require momentum. Momentum is that feeling that we all experience when we are eagerly anticipating an activity and have a measure of confidence that we will actually successfully accomplish our goals. Momentum requires movement in the same direction (the scientific formula for momentum is mass x velocity, where velocity is movement in one direction). Paradoxically, the more we engage in a discipline, the more momentum we develop and the easier and more enjoyable it becomes. We often quit before momentum develops. Think about this with any discipline that you have desired to have, whether it be exercising, Bible reading, or prayer. You are most likely to quit in the first 1-2 attempts than when you get a month into it.

2. People are in love with the concept of being adventurous, but true adventure and participation scares them. I noticed that the YMCA teen room had a Wii and that the teens were playing Wii games (computer games) of the games that they could actually play at the YMCA (basketball, football, volleyball, etc.). I think, we as parents/teachers/encouragers have given up on the idea that there is value in actually learning and participating in sports and team games. The illusion that simulating game experiences is the same as playing is heartbreaking. There is so much to learn about yourself, and developing relationships with others that team activities promote. We need to encourage our children towards adventure and challenge.

3. Muscles are conditioned to respond. Its funny that when I resume activities, such as basketball, that I have done thousands of times before, that I instinctively know what to do. Its not like I have to start over. I believe that discipline ilicits a conditioned response. The more you pray, the easier it becomes to instinctually pray. The more you eat right, the easier it is to eat well, even when you are not thinking about it. I think that we need to exercise our spiritual muscles with the goal of it becoming a habit that is instinctual.

Discipline is the core thought when we think of ourselves at disciplies. We are followers in the dsiciplines of Jesus and that takes work and effort.

Be blessed today!

Pastor M Traylor


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