
Showing posts from July, 2015

Empowered to Protest

"Its clear that an essential way to stop the violence and the despair in our culture is to engage in activities that bring us empathy and conviviality"~Cecile Andrews in Living Room Revolution "Justice without might is helpless; might without justice is tyrannical"~Pascal in Pense "I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!~Jesus of Nazareth  (Luke 12:49) Dr. Cheryl Sanders wrote that the first step of empowerment of a people is the expression of testimony.  Not the testimonies that we often get in the traditional "testimony service", but an uninterrupted expression of one's experiences using the witnesses own words, language, and forms.  Often, in our sincere desire, to help others, we rush into the area and begin to rescue.  In that rescue attempt, we often articulate "their needs". and silence the voices of those who desire empowerment.  Paradoxically, we further diminish the dignit...

The Confederate Flag and the Arrogance of Racism

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.  Proverbs 11:2 The Sin of pride undergirds racism.  Pride is a misdirected self-love that regards others as being inferior to the individual or race.~Lisa Sharon Harper in Forgive Us: Confessions of a Compromised Faith Racism need not be malicious or intentional to be.~Monica Harrold Last month, after the massacre of nine African-American people in Charleston S. Carolina by a self-identified White Supremacist who posted pictures of himself displaying what is commonly understood to be the confederate flag (Understanding that the flag used most often to commemorate Confederacy is quite different than what was used by the Confederacy).  In response to the tragedy, cries were renewed to remove that same flag, that had been flying at the South Carolina Statehouse since 1961.   It is heartbreaking, to realize that it took a tragedy of this degree to even initiate a real discussion on...