Principles of Social Media Civility
"If you say something offensively, people will react defensively" Rick Warren on Twitter, 8/11/12 Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18 The amount of access that we have to one another has literally exploded with the global use of social media. I now have regular facebook, twitter, imessages, instagram and email interactions with people from all over the world and in all types of social circles. While many bemoan the explosion as it shows a deference away from face to face contact, I would submit that many of the people that I have interactions with solely via social media are people who I would never have the ability to actually meet face to face. Therefore, social media acts as a access extender that allows me to connect with many more than I would have naturally. With that being said, I want to state that wherever there are people-people interactions, there will be pathology. Over ...