The Shifting Purposes of Marriage
"What if the purpose of marriage is to make you holy, not to make you happy?" Gary Thomas, Author of Sacred Marriage Sociologist Andrew Cherlin at John Hopkins University eloquently documents the changing role of marriage in his book, Marriage-go-round . He notes that the purpose of marriage has changed historically and often mirrors the greatest value of the time. Pre-modern (prior to the 1700's) marriage focused procreation. Marriage was not necessarily for friendship or personal satisfaction, as it was towards legacy. Modernity brought the understanding of friendship and camaraderie as the central theme. Post-modernism (1970's onward) marriages are focused on self-satisfaction and self-fulfillment. Contemporary suitors for marriage are often concerned chiefly whether a potential partner can meet their needs, desires, and dreams. This is not revolutionary. Many cultural commentators, such as Yale professor and theologian, Miroslav Volf ,...