Open Letter to Presidential Candidates
Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor Romans 13:7 This is an open letter to presidential candidates of all parties. Dear Presidential Candidates, As we approach the 2012 presidential campaign, I recognize that your schedules are filled with campaign meetings, appearances, and fundraising. I can not imagine the pressure and the heavy burden that you must feel, in order to pursue the office of the president. The responsibility is immense and the influence is incredible. Due to that, I am committed to praying for you. As I have begun to hear the campaign rhetoric, slogans, and propaganda, I thought that there a couple things you need to know about me, and the thousands (maybe millions) of people who approach this election, along with the elections before this with angst and a persistant case of pessimism. My hope is that if you take the time to understand me, i...