Distortions of Intimacy
"I really dont like sex, but I do it cause he wants it, even though he's nasty" 15 yr old young woman in Rochester Case after case presents in clinics and healthcare centers across the country. Adolescents come and share their concerns regarding their reproductive health. They have been taught by their schools and communities to recognize the symptoms of a variety of diseases and disorders of the private kind. They come with concerns of chlamydia or herpes, and the dreaded HIV infections. I am glad that they have been taught at some level to recognize disease, but I am saddened even more that they have never had health modeled. The young adults that I am coming in contact with are not only having physical maladies, but also disturbing and pathological relationships. The introduction of sexual intimacy at an early age truly distorts any understanding of a healthy relationship. In the Rochester, NY community, (and I would assume that Rochester d...