The Message and the Messenger
This is one of those blog entries where I am thinking out loud with the hope that you may respond with your thoughts and prayers. As many of you know, I love to read. I read 500 to 1000 pages on the average week, mostly Christian non-fiction and social commentaries. This week I began a book, and for the first time in a long time, I am struggling with the messenger's choices over and against the message of the book itself. Sara Miles' book "Jesus Freak' focuses on a deeper relationship with Jesus that allows you to do the same things that Jesus did, such as feed the hungry, heal the sick, and even raise the dead (bring life out of death!). That message reasonates with my spirit. Jesus said that those who come after him will do "even greater things" (John 14). She goes on to reveal that this stems from her radical conversion to Christ through a dramatic understanding of eucharist (some know this as communion). As I am reading, I am excited about wha...