Racialsm versus racialization
Racism: Acting, thinking, or speaking of someone based upon a stereotyped perception of their race, ethnicity, or identity. Racialization: Practices that cause racial division and isolation that are often: 1. Embedded in the normal operations of institutions and social systems 2. Covert in nature (the purpose and the effect of the practice are not obvioius) 3. devoid of racial terminology or tones 4. Almost always invisible to a majority of people in a given culture. Although there is much in the news regarding racism, I find that very little is offered on the more pervasive, and may I suggest, more powerful effects of racializing practices. Racializing practices are things that "we" all do that are not intended to cause racial isolation or inequitable treatment, but none the less have that effect. These are things that are done by Blacks, Whites, Latino, and Asians all the time, but we do not take the time to look at t...